Lynnette’s stance: Public dollars belong in public schools.

Lynnette has a long history in education. A graduate of Denver Public Schools; her children and grandchildren have attended and graduated from Buhler and Hutchinson public schools. Lynnette taught for 29 years in Reno County, which has afforded her the ability to invest in generations of families. 

  Hutchinson, Buhler and Inman Public Schools are all in District 104.  These three school districts are the hub of the community. We have seen time and time again in Kansas that when the school goes, so goes the community. 

As a special education teacher she knows how to advocate for her students and families and will bring that skill to Topeka. She has forged important relationships with local school leaders, understands the complex nature of school finance, and recognizes the expectation of local parents to have strong, community-based, public schools. 

Lynnette has advocated for fully funding both our school district and special education locally. At the state house she was the voice for the children who all deserve a quality public school education where all students are educated regardless of economics, race, religion or ability. 

Lynnette’s stance: Quality health-care is a right that should be afforded to all Kansans.


Lynnette’s younger sister died of uterine cancer simply because she could not afford the health insurance offered by her workplace while working full time. No one should lose a mother, grandmother, sister or aunt simply because they can not afford health insurance or the cost of private pay for necessary preventive health care and tests. 

  By declining Medicaid Expansion, Kansas Lawmakers are giving millions of dollars to other states. It is time for Medicaid Expansion in Kansas bringing options to hundreds of thousands of citizens - improving their health care options and keeping rural hospitals open. 

  A tireless advocate for Medicaid Expansion, Lynnette understands that 78% of Kansans support Medicaid Expansion. 

Medicaid Expansion

Healthcare for Women

Healthy women are vital to Kansas families, workforce and community.  Decisions about their private health should be made between the woman and her physician, not the legislature. 


Lynnette is hearing from voters, working women and men, and small business owners that taxes, particularly property taxes, are directly affecting their families, lifestyle, and businesses. All while big corporations are receiving the largest benefits in tax relief and corporate handouts in Kansas.  

When tax relief comes, our community can thrive with a vibrant local economy. I will prioritize working families, small businesses and our seniors. 

Lynnette’s stance: It is time to respond to the average taxpayer with sensible tax relief.